Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Book: Tea Party with Brielle

Tea party brielle vivienne

 I love tea time. I collect tea cups too, so when my daughter was old enough,
of course I made sure we always have tea time or even mini tea parties.
It has become one of our treasured and special moments ever since.

tea party brielle vivienne

That's why I fell in love with this darling book about a tea party.
Tea Party with Brielle is written by little Miss Brielle Vivienne 
herself and her mom Jacqueline Regano.
The book shows her photographs from their real life tea parties,
and really lovely illustrations. And how to plan that 
perfect, fun tea party full of happy memories!

Why you should get this? This books is truly perfect for young girls
to get them inspired on having tea parties or a little tea time
with their friends. The book also gives a taste of the beauty
 and art of tea to the young audience. And will teach your little 
ones to make every moment special and memorable, and to 
always give their best at everything, including planning 
that perfect tea at 4! 

tea party dresses

Ahh I love the illustrations!

brielle vivienne
Here is beautiful Miss Brielle Vivienne, I surely would
love to have tea with her! 



  1. This is so sweet the illustration really looks like Brielle. I would love to have mini tea parties with my daughter one day.


  2. What a lovely book! You're right the illustrations are very cute! :)

    Hope you're having a great weekend. I spent a lot of time this weekend at playgrounds with the kids! :)

    Away From The Blue

  3. This is so cute!

  4. Such cute book!
    The illustrations are so sweet, I'd love to have it when I was little!

  5. What an adorable book. Have a great week.


  6. super sympa !
    kiss - Jade


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